
Nora and Ani are two best friends, who after years of trying to conceive through countless fertility treatments finally became moms and created a swaddle that helps babies sleep longer and better. It’s so effective, it’s doctor and nurse recommended!

Thanks so much for checking out our baby brand. We’re two best friends who after years of trying to conceive, along with countless fertility treatments, finally became mothers and were instantly fascinated by the world of babies. You could be a rocket scientist and the second you have a baby it feels like you never knew anything about the world, right? That’s sort of what happened with us (minus the rocket scientist part), we became moms and realized that parents are forced to function with such little sleep it’s fascinating. Babies don’t come with owner manuals so it’s hard to figure out why they’re basically allergic to good naps. But we finally figured it out–they sleep SOOOO much better when they’re properly swaddled. Ok so here’s the plan– buy swaddle. Check. Swaddle baby. Check. Keep baby swaddled during their entire nap? Um…that didn’t go as planned.

That’s when we realized there was something missing in the baby universe — a swaddle that was easy to use, highly functional, and actually worked at keeping a child safe, secure and asleep. So, we set out to design a swaddle that all parents could use and, of course, babies would love.

Shortly after Ani had her son Sebastian, she quickly discovered he was a tiny baby magician who could escape from his swaddle in an instant, so she had to learn to master the perfect swaddle quickly if she was going to get any sleep herself.

And when Nora brought home her daughter Ayah, she realized that swaddling her itty, bitty bundle of joy turned out to be almost as hard as conceiving itself — which was the exact moment norani was born.


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