• All listings published by FINDIN team have been collected from public information.
  • FINDIN offers the listing’s owners to claim their business to have access to its full data and the user’s engagement on the lisitings, such as the reviews, comments and messages.
  • Any user can add a listing on our website. Upon review and approval by the FINDIN administration the lisitng will be published live.
  • FINDIN Administration reserves the right to reject or remove any listing that they see not relevant or incorrect.



  • Featured listings can be acquired through some of the packages that FINDIN offers.
  • FINDIN Administration may add featured listings of its own choice to promote different industries and sectors through the featured listings section.



  • Featured logos can be acquired through some of the packages that FINDIN offers.



  • FINDIN offers 1 Free package and 4 Paid packages to its customers.
  • The prices of the package are all tax inclusive.



  • FINDIN offers its customers to feature their products and/or services on their listings’ pages through an affiliate system.
  • FINDIN does not directly sell the products and services, but it redirects to the original seller’s online platform.
  • FINDIN does not earn a commission from the affiliate sales.
  • FINDIN offers the external / affiliate products and services feature through some of its packages to only customers that have an online e-commerce platform to sell their products/services.



  • FINDIN offers its customers the service of publishing their own blog articles that are directly related to their listing, on its BLOG page. This service can be acquired through some of the packages that FINDIN offers.
  • FINDIN reserves the right to review any blog articles presented, request edits or even reject.



For further information you can contact our administration by phone on +374 77 758 208 or email [email protected]