
HayPost has been the national postal operator of the Republic of Armenia for 27 years, the shareholder and sole owner of which is the Republic of Armenia.

During the Soviet years, in the 1960s and 1970s,the main post office was built at 22 Saryan Street. The high-rise building, designed by the Armenian branch of the All-Union Institute for Commercial Catering Design (Giprotorg), is still Haypost’s headquarters and head office, an integral part of the capital’s architectural portrait.

Today HayPost has a cornerstone role in providing quality and up-to-date services to the citizens. Each of the 850 branches of HayPost is a convenient place not only to receive and send letters and packages, but also to use various financial services.


The post office 0005 is located on 4 Artsakh Avenue in Yerevan.


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